The ignorance about salvation among Christians is matched by their almost total ignorance about the Trinity and the Incarnation. Very little is said about the Three Persons in the One God or about Jesus as God incarnate. And when something is said, it is often just a recitation of abstractions. Neither the Trinity nor the Incarnation seem to make any difference in the lives of Christians today. 

Heaven’s remedy is the revelation from the Father. In re-discovering God the Father, we come to recognize God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The Father takes us back to the original revelation and to the faith of the first Christians. He restores the mysteries of the Trinity and the Incarnation to the center of the life of faith.  There are Three divine Persons within the One divine Nature that is God. And in the Father’s revelation we see all things from the perspective of the action of Father, Son and Holy Spirit – which is exactly what we see in the New Testament.

It is the loss of the Father that resulted in a loss of the Holy Trinity in the Christian life. By taking us back to the fullness of his Fatherhood, the Father also brings us to his only-begotten Son and the Holy Spirit who proceeds from Father and Son.

In the messages, the Father says: “Who is God? God is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” He also says, “Until the three Persons are honored by a special devotion in the Church and the whole of mankind, there will be something lacking in this society.”

It is clear in the messages, as it is in Scripture, that the Father comes to us through the Son and the Holy Spirit: “I offer you this holiness, of which I am the Author, through My Holy Spirit, and I instill it in your souls through My Son’s merits. It is through My Son and the Holy Spirit that I am coming to you and into you.”

In John 6:45-6, we are told: “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draw him … Everyone who listens to my Father and learns from him comes to me.”

The eternal life promised by the Father comes through Jesus. All whom the Father gives to Jesus will not perish because “no one can take them out of the Father’s hand”: “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one can take them out of the Father’s hand. The Father and I are one.” (John 10:27-30)

Father and Son bring eternal life: “The Father who sent me commanded me what to say and speak. And I know that his commandment is eternal life. So what I say, I say as the Father told me.” (John 12:49-50)

There is no “competition”:  “The Father and I are one.” (John 10: 30) “ Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?  Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me?” (John 14:9-10)

In the messages too, the Father says that he and the Son are one and, further, that he and the Holy Spirit are one.  In doing so, he teaches the truth that we do not have three gods but one God and within the one God, there are Three divine Persons.  As the ancient Athanasian creed says, “For there is one person of the Father, another of the Son, and another of the Holy Spirit. But the Godhead of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit is all one, the glory equal, the majesty coeternal. Such as the Father is, such is the Son, and such is the Holy Spirit.”

In the Gospel of John we read: Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on my own. The Father who dwells in me is doing his works. Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me.” (John 14:10-11) In the messages, the Father says, “I have shown you that My Son Jesus represents Me among men, and that, through Him, I live constantly among them.”

Again, we hear in the Gospel of John about “the Spirit of truth that proceeds from the Father.” (John 15:26). In the messages we read, “I also want to show you that I come among you through My Holy Spirit.”

These verses from Scripture – and their echoes in the revelation of the Father – show that the Three Persons are mutually distinct and mutually indwelling. We do not have either tritheism or modalism. This is how the truth of the Trinity is communicated in the New Testament, the Councils and in the Father’s revelation.

The Three divine Persons are eternal and “equal.” But a certain priority has always been accorded to the Father. Jean Galot explains this further: “The Father takes precedence. … In him everything that is in God has its origin. This explains why, when the revelation of the Trinity was given us, the name of God, which designated the totality of God in the Old Testament in whom the distinction of the persons was not yet apparent, was used in the New Testament to designate more specifically the person of the Father. The Father is called God because in him is verified everything that had previously been revealed about God, and because he is the source of the divinity of the Son and the Spirit. In the Father dwells the plenitude of the divinity in its primordial origin. This plenitude is present in the Son and the Spirit, inasmuch as it is received from the Father.”1

But “the Father is not superior to the Son or to the Spirit. He possesses only a priority of origin. … The three divine persons are equal in perfection. They possess the same divine nature. …  The three divine persons have existed from all eternity, and they are God.”2

In his messages, the Father moves us away from abstractions to the concrete actions of the Persons of Trinity that we see in Scripture and our own lives:

  • The Messiah is God. Who is God? God is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Whence does He come? Or rather, who ordered Him to come among men? It was I, His Father, God. Whom is He to represent on earth? His Father, God. What is He to do on earth? He will make the Father, God, known and loved. Did He not say: “Do you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” (St. Luke, ch. 2, v. 49). “I have come only to do the will of My Father.” “Whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give you.” “You will pray to Him like this: ‘Our Father, Who art in heaven…’, and elsewehere, since He came to glorify the Father and to make Him known to men, He says: “Whoever sees Me, sees the Father.” “I am in the Father and the Father is in Me.” “No one comes to the Father except through Me” (St. John, ch. 14, v. 6) “Whoever is with Me is also with My Father”?

  • Oh, how My paternal love has been forgotten by Men! Yet I love you so tenderly! In My Son, that is to say, in the Person of My Son made man, what have I not done! Divinity is veiled in this humanity, it is shrunk, impoverished, humiliated.
  • Now that I have shown you that My Son Jesus represents Me among men, and that, through Him, I live constantly among them, I also want to show you that I come among you through My Holy Spirit. The work of this third Person of My divinity is carried out silently and often man is not aware of it. But for Me it is a very fitting way of living, not just in the tabernacle, but also in the souls of all those in a state of grace, to establish My throne in them and to live there always, like the true Father Who loves, protects and helps His children.
  • I recognize that you honor Me in My Son and that there are those who are able to offer everything to Me through My Son, but they are few indeed! Do not believe, though, that in honoring My Son you are not honoring Me! You do, certainly, honor Me, as I live in My Son! Thus, everything that is to His glory is also to My glory! But I would like to see man honoring his Father and Creator with a special devotion. The more you honor Me, the more you will honor My Son, since, according to My will, He became the Word Incarnate and came among you to make known to you the One Who sent Him. If you come to know Me, you will love Me and My beloved Son more than you do now.
  • My Son Jesus is in Me and I am in Him, in our interchanging love which is the Holy Spirit, Who keeps us united in this bond of love so as to make us ONE.
  • Moses received from Me as the first of the ten commandments, this command to be communicated to men: “Love and worship God!” Those who are already Christians may say: “We have loved you since we were born or since our conversion, as we often say in the Lord’s Prayer: ‘Our Father, Who art in heaven!’ ” Yes, My children, it is true, you do love Me and honor Me when you say the first part of the ‘Our Father’, but continue with the other requests and you will see: “Hallowed be Thy name!” Is My name being blessed? Continue: “Thy kingdom come!” Has My kingdom come? You honor very fervently the Kingship of My Son Jesus, it is true, and in Him you are honoring Me! But will you deny your Father this great glory of proclaiming Him ‘King’, or at least, of letting Me reign until all men can know and love Me? I desire you to celebrate this feast of the Kingship of My Son in reparation for the insults He received before Pilate and from the soldiers who scourged His holy and innocent humanity. I ask you not to suspend this feast, but, on the contrary, to celebrate it enthusiastically and fervently; but in order that everyone may really know this King, they must know His kingdom as well. Now, to achieve this dual knowledge perfectly, it is also necessary to know the Father of this King, the Maker of this kingdom. Truly, My children, the Church – this society I entrusted My Son to found – will complete its work by honoring Him Who is its Author: your Father and Creator.
  • As I have told you, it is necessary to bring to fulfilment in the holy Church the devotion which honors in a very special way this society’s Author, the One Who came to found it, and the One Who is its soul, God in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Until the three Persons are honored by a special devotion in the Church and the whole of mankind, there will be something lacking in this society.
  • I have already made some souls aware of this lack, but most of them, too timid, have not responded to My call. Others have had the courage to speak about it to the appropriate people, but, in the face of their failure, they have not persisted. Now My hour has come. I Myself am coming to make men, My children, know what, until today, they have not understood completely. I Myself am coming to bring the flame of the law of love so that, by this means, the enormous layer of ice that surrounds mankind can be melted and destroyed.
  • If men could penetrate the Heart of Jesus in all Its desires and Its glory, they would realize that Its most ardent desire is to glorify the Father, the One Who sent Him, and, most of all, not to let His glory be diminished as it has been until now. He desires the complete glory that men can and must give Me, as their Father and Maker, and still more as the Author of their Redemption!
  • , and it is in you that I seek My repose.

The Father’s messages are a dynamic renewal of the great truths underlying the Old and New Testaments. These messages take us back to the fullness of the Trinitarian revelation that is fundamental to Christianity but is today seldom affirmed.

End Notes

1Jean Galot, Abba Father We Long to See Your Face (New York: Alba House, 1992), 82.

2Ibid., 87. 84.