The content of the messages received by Mother Eugenia represent a return to the source documents of the Christian faith, the Gospels and Epistles of the New Testament.

In the Gospel of John, we are told:

“But the hour is coming, and is now here, when true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth; and indeed the Father seeks such people to worship him.” (John 4:23)

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

“Now this is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.” (John 17:3)

The movement of salvation was initiated by God the Father and reaches its culmination in our knowledge of the Father through his Son, Jesus the Messiah.

In fact, the knowledge of God the Father in the New Testament is the climax of the revelation of God as a father in the Old Testament. In this climax, Jesus reveals too that we become children of God the Father through the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The New Testament spotlights the coming of Jesus and the sending of the Holy Spirit. But the coming of Jesus is initiated by the Father. The Holy Spirit is sent by the Father and the Son. The goal in the salvific journey is to become children of the Father! “As proof that you are children, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying out, ‘Abba, Father!’” (Galatians 4:6). “For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you received a spirit of adoption, through which we cry, “Abba, Father!”” (Romans 8:14-15)

But this pivotal role of the Father has been neglected in the two millennia that followed the coming of Jesus perhaps because the Church had to consolidate its understanding of the Son and the Spirit. Consequently, we have feasts for the Son (Christmas) and the Spirit (Pentecost) but no feast for the Father. The study of the Son is called Christology. The study of the Holy Spirit is called Pneumatology. But there is no corresponding focus on the study of the Father. This vacuum certainly represents an incompleteness in our lived awareness of God as Trinity and consequently the fullness of Christian revelation.

And it is a vacuum that had to be filled by divine intervention – much as the lack of a devotion to the salvific Love of the incarnate Son led to the Sacred Heart revelation to St. Margaret Mary and the lack of a sense of the sanctifying presence of the Holy Spirit led to the revelation to Sister Elena Guerra.

In this context, the discourse from the Father recorded by Mother Eugenia feels like a cold shower for the faithful who have ignored or downplayed what is obvious in the texts of Scripture: the fundamental role of the Father in reality as a whole and in salvation history.

Take a look at these texts from the New Testament.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens, as he chose us in him, before the foundation of the world.” (Ephesians 1:3)

“Giving thanks to the Father, who has made you fit to share in the inheritance of the holy ones in light. He delivered us from the power of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” (Colossians 1:12-14)

“Yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom all things are and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are and through whom we exist. (1 Corinthians 8:6)

“See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God.” (1 John 3:1). 

My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one can take them out of the Father’s hand. The Father and I are one.” (John 10:29-30)

“Jesus answered and said to them, “Amen, amen, I say to you, a son cannot do anything on his own, but only what he sees his father doing; for what he does, his son will do also. For the Father loves his Son and shows him everything that he himself does, and he will show him greater works than these, so that you may be amazed.” (John 5:19-20)

“All things have been handed over to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him.” (Matthew 11:27)

“The works that the Father gave me to accomplish, these works that I perform testify on my behalf that the Father has sent me. Moreover, the Father who sent me has testified on my behalf. But you have never heard his voice nor seen his form.” (John 5:36-37).

It is obvious then in the Gospels and the epistles that the Father has to play a central role in our understanding of God and salvation history and in our spiritual lives. It is in this context that we can understand the raison d’être of the appearance of the Father and his messages.

The messages of the Father tell us what we need to know, what we need to do and the benefits of both. These can be sub-categorized under three themes – what we need to personally know about the Father, what he tells us about salvation and what he reveals to us about the Trinity and the Incarnation.

Here we will examine what the Father says about himself, his relationship to us, and what he wants us to do.

In the messages concerning these themes, the Father tells us he wants us to know, love and honor him. He wants us to come to know his infinite love. He wants us to have total trust and confidence in him and he cannot “resist” the requests of those who have complete confidence (this request for trust and confidence is found in both Old and New Testaments). He wants us to share in his infinite power. He wants us to have a special devotion to him which is urgent in view of the distorted idea of God found almost everywhere. This special devotion includes celebrating a feast in his honor similar to the feasts honoring the Son and the Holy Spirit. Love is at the center of all the messages.

These are the Father’s messages about himself and the relationship he wants us to have with him:

  • I am coming to banish the excessive fear that My creatures have of Me, and to show them that My joy lies in being known and loved by My children, that is, by all mankind, present and future.

I am coming to bring hope to men and nations. How many have long since lost it! This hope will make them live in peace and security, working for their salvation.

I am coming to make Myself known just as I am, so that men’s trust may increase together with their love for Me, their Father. I have but one concern: to watch over all men and love them as My children.

  • [After recounting the central events of the Old and New Testaments, the Father says:] This, then, in brief, is the story of My love until My coming among men through My Son. Most men know of all these events, but they fail to grasp the essential thing: that love was the guiding principle in it all! Yes, it is love. This is what I want to impress upon you. Now this love has been forgotten. I want to remind you of it, so that you can learn to know Me as I am, so that you will not be, like slaves, afraid of a Father Who loves you so much. You see, in this story we are only at the first day of the first century, and I would like to bring it up to the present time, the twentieth century. Oh, how My paternal love has been forgotten by Men! Yet I love you so tenderly!
  • But as you have seen, at every moment My protection manifests itself through graces and benefits. You can conclude from this that there is a Father Who is above all fathers, Who loves you and will never cease to love you, if you so desire.
  • No one has yet understood the infinite desire of My divine, paternal Heart to be known, loved and honored by all men, the just and the sinful. These are the three gifts that I wish to receive in homage from man, so that I may always be merciful and good even towards the most hardened sinners.
  • And how many creatures of My Hands, whose existence I know of but of which you are ignorant, do not even know the Hand Which shaped them! Oh, how I would like to let you know what an almighty Father I am for you and would also be for those creatures, through My benefits! I would like their lives to be made sweeter through My law. I would like you to go to them in My name and speak to them of Me. Yes, tell them that they have a Father who, having created them, wants to give them the treasures He possesses. Above all, tell them that I think of them, I love them and want to give them eternal happiness. Oh, I promise you, men’s conversion will come sooner.
  • Believe Me, if you had begun to honor Me with a special devotion from the times of the early Church, after twenty centuries few men would remain living in idolatry, in paganism and in so many false and evil sects, in which man is running blindly towards the abyss of eternal fire! And see how much work remains to be done! My hour has come! I must be known, loved and honored by men, so that, having created them, I can be their Father, then their Savior and finally the object of their eternal delight.
  • Oh, beloved humanity, oh, men who are My children, set yourselves free from the bonds in which the devil has chained you until now, inspiring in you fear of a Father Who is pure love! Come, come closer to Me, you have every right to approach your Father; open up your hearts, pray to My Son that He may help you to know even better My goodness towards you. You who are prisoners of superstition and the laws of the devil, leave this tyrannical slavery and come to the truth of truths. Recognize the One Who made you and is your Father.
  • I have already told you that I want you to enjoy eternal happiness even here, on earth, but you still have not understood the real meaning of what I said. It is this: If you love Me and call Me by the sweet name of Father, you will begin to live, here and now, in the love and the trust which will make you happy in eternity and which you will sing in heaven in the company of the elect. Is this not a foretaste of the happiness of heaven, which will last for ever? I therefore desire man to remember often that I am right there, where he is, that he could not live if I were not with him, living just as he is. In spite of his unbelief, I always remain close to him.
  • Come to Me through My Son and, once you are close to Me, confide your desires to Me. I will show you this fountain, making Myself known to you as I really am. When you know Me, your thirst will be quenched, you will be revived, your ills will be cured, your fears will vanish. Your joy will be great and your love will feel securer than it has ever been before. But, you will say to Me, how can we come to You? Oh, come by the path of confidence, call Me your Father, love Me in spirit and truth, and this will be enough to make this refreshing and powerful water quench your thirst. But if you really want this water to give you all you need to know and love Me, and if you feel cold and indifferent, call Me by the sweet name of Father and I will come to you. My spring will give you love, confidence and everything you need to be loved for ever by your Father and Creator. As I desire most to be known by all of you, so that you can all enjoy, even here on earth, My goodness and My tenderness, make yourselves apostles to those who still do not know Me and I will bless your toil and efforts, preparing great glory for you with Me in eternity!
  • I am the ocean of charity. I showed you the spring which pours from My Breast to quench your thirst, and now, in order to let you see My goodness towards everyone, I am going to show you the ocean of My universal charity, that you may dive into it blindly. Why? So that, diving into this ocean, souls rendered bitter by faults and sins may lose that bitterness in this bath of love. They will emerge from this ocean better, happy at having learned how to be good and charitable. If, because of ignorance or weakness, you yourselves happen to fall again into this state of bitterness, I shall still be an ocean of charity, ready to receive this bitter drop, transform it into charity and goodness and make you holy as I, your Father, am. My children, do you want to live your life on earth peacefully and joyfully? Come and cast yourselves into this immense ocean and remain in it for ever. As you work and live your normal life, this life will be sanctified through charity. As for My children who do not follow the truth, I wish all the more to enfold them in My fatherly predilection, so that they may open their eyes to the light which now shines more clearly than ever. This is the time of graces, foreseen and awaited since the beginning of time!
  • The spring is the symbol of My knowledge; the ocean is that of My charity and of your trust. When you wish to drink from this spring, study Me in order to know Me and, when you know Me, dive into the ocean of My charity, trusting in Me with a confidence so deep as to transform yourselves: this I shall be unable to resist. I shall then forgive your errors and lavish the greatest favors upon you.
  • My children, is it not perhaps true that, if you knew you had a Father Who thinks of you and loves you infinitely, you would in your turn make an effort to be more faithful to your Christian duties, as well as to your duties as citizens, to be just and to render justice to God and to men? Is it not true that, if you knew this Father Who loves you all without distinction and Who, without distinction, calls you all by the sweet name of children, you would love Me as affectionate children, and that this love, under My impulse, would become an active love, extending itself to the rest of humanity who still do not know this Christian society and who know even less Him Who created them and is their Father?
  • If somebody went and talked to these souls, abandoned to their superstitions, or to so many others who call Me God because they know I exist but not that I am close to them; if somebody said to them that their Maker is their Father as well, and that He thinks of them and is concerned with them, that He surrounds them with intimate affection in their sorrows and dejection, this would obtain the conversion of the most stubborn ones, and these conversions would be more numerous and firm, that is, more persevering.
  • And you, My children, who have lost the faith and live in the darkness, raise your eyes, you will see shining rays coming to illuminate you. I am the sun that shines, warms and re-warms. Look, and recognize that I am your Creator, your Father, your one and only God. It is because I love you that I come to make you love Me, so that you may all be saved. I am speaking to all men, the world over, making this appeal of My fatherly love ring out, this infinite love that I want you to know is a permanent reality. Love, love, love always, but also show others how to love the Father, so that from today on I will be able to show you all the Father Who loves you so passionately.
  • I am asking of man what he is able to give Me: his confidence, his love and his gratitude. It is not because I need My creature and his adoration that I desire to be known, honored and loved; the only reason why I am stooping down to him is to save him and give him a share in My glory. Further, in My goodness and My love I realize that the beings I have drawn from nothing and adopted as My true children are falling in great numbers into eternal unhappiness with the devils. They are thus failing to fulfil the purpose of their creation and are losing their time and their eternity!
  • With regard to the means of honoring Me as I desire, all I ask of you is great confidence. Do not think I want austerities or mortifications; I do not want you to walk barefoot or to lay your faces in the dust, or to cover your-selves with ashes. No, no! My dearest wish is that you behave as My children, simply and trusting in Me! With you I will become everything for everyone, the most tender and loving Father. I will be on intimate terms with you, giving Myself to you all, making Myself small so as to make you great for eternity.
  • I desire that one day, or at least a Sunday, be dedicated to honoring Me in a special way under the title of Father of all Mankind. For this feast, I would like a special Mass and Office. It is not difficult to find the texts in the Holy Scriptures. If you prefer to offer Me this special devotion on a Sunday, I choose the first Sunday of August. If you prefer a weekday, I would like it to be always the seventh day of that same month.
  • I also desire that every family prominently display the picture I will later show … I wish every family to be able to place itself under My special protection in this way, so that they can honor Me more easily.
  • And to you who will work for My glory and commit yourselves to making Me known, honoured and loved, I give the assurance that your reward will be great, because I will count everything, even the smallest effort you make, and I will reward you a hundredfold in eternity.
  • Everything I am saying to you is intended to make you realize that I come to carry out this work of love, to give you powerful help to cast off the tyrannical slavery which imprisons your souls, and to let you enjoy real freedom, whence real happiness comes. Compared with this freedom, all earthly joys are as nothing. Raise yourselves to the dignity of children of God and learn how to respect your own greatness. I will then be your Father more than ever, the most lovable and merciful of fathers.
  • I have come to bring peace with this work of love. I will let a ray of peace fall upon anyone who honors Me and trusts in Me, so that he will be relieved in all his troubles, all his worries, sufferings and afflictions, especially if he calls Me and loves Me as his Father. If families honor Me and love Me as their Father, I will give them My peace together with My providence. If workers, businessmen and artisans invoke and honor Me, I will give them My peace and My strength, I will show Myself to be the good and merciful Father. If each Christian community invokes and honors Me, I will give it My peace, I will show Myself to be a most loving Father, and through My power I will ensure the eternal salvation of souls. If all mankind invokes and honors Me, I will bring down upon it the spirit of peace like a benevolent dew. If all nations, as such, invoke and honor Me, there will be no more discord, nor wars, because I am the God of peace and where I am, there no war can be.
  • What do I desire to achieve with this work of love, if not to find hearts able to understand Me? I am the holiness of which I possess the perfect and full expression; I offer you this holiness, of which I am the Author, through My Holy Spirit, and I instill it in your souls through My Son’s merits.

The messages reveal the infinite Love of the Father. They are also rich in promises that we should make part of our lives – in particular these:

  • I am there precisely in order that you should ask Me for what you need. “Ask and you will receive.” In My fatherly goodness I will give you everything, provided that all regard Me as a true Father.
  • I know your needs, your desires, and everything in your hearts. But how happy and grateful I would be if I saw you coming to Me and confiding in Me your needs, like a son who has total trust in his father. How could I refuse you the smallest or biggest thing if you asked Me?
  • Take refuge close, very close to Me, confide in Me your thoughts and your desires. I will love you tenderly. I will give you graces for the present and bless your future.
  • Make yourselves apostles to those who still do not know Me and I will bless your toil and efforts, preparing great glory for you with Me in eternity!
  • Finally, you know that I can do everything because of My power. Well, I am offering this power to all of you, to use now and for eternity. I will always show Myself to be your Father, provided that you show yourselves to be My children.